English Version
Here you will find some macro photographs from multiple locations around the world.
This is a small selection of experiments I have made with some macro lens and rings. I hope you enjoy them.
If you want to use them on any company or personal project, please let me know here.
if you want to know more about the Fittonia plant and how to take care of them, please visit Happy DIY Home to know more about it.

Mr Grasshopper - A little grasshopper I have found on a house's backyard at Juan Lacaze, Colonia, Uruguay.

Intense Colors - Beautiful and intense colors on a Fittonia plant, from the Acanthaceae family plants, at a house's garden in Juan Lacaze, Colonia, Uruguay. if you want to know more about this plant and how to take care of them, please visit Happy DIY Home to know more about it.
Spanish Version
Aquí encontrará algunos fotos macro tomadas en muchas localidades alrededor del mundo.
Esta es una pequeña selección de algunos experimentos realizados con lentes y anillos para macro fotografía. Espero que las disfrutes.
Si quieres usarlas para algún proyecto corporativo o personal, por favor, házmelo saber aquí.
Si quieres saber mas sobre la planta que aparece en la foto “Intense colors” llamada Fittonia y como teneralas y cuidarlas, visita Happy DIY Home para saber mas sobre esto.